• FIELD OF APPLICATION Synthetic iron chelates are stable molecules that do not degrade quickly. This makes them suitable for use in culture media and in nutrient solutions. Natural chelates such as ferric citrate are degraded by microbiological activity and are therefore only recommended for foliar fertilization. Some synthetic chelates can also be used for foliar fertilization in the field, e.g. DTPA.

    Calciofoss is used as a phosphorus and calcium source for foliar fertilization and nutrient irrigation. Has some pH lowering effect in nutrient solutions and spray liquid.

    Favor berry quality by foliar fertilizing with Kalciofoss during the map stage.

  • FIELD OF APPLICATION Calcium Forte is used for foliar fertilization in all plant species, especially during periods of vigorous growth, during fruit development and before storage of storage products. It is also used to prevent calcium-related diseases such as pistil rot in tomatoes, spotted wilt in apples and tip-burn in lettuce and cabbage, and stronger stems in asparagus. In addition, calcium is important for good overwintering of fall crops and perennial crops. In potatoes and root crops, it is used to improve the quality of tubers and peels and extend shelf life. Fruits and berries become firmer and have better quality and shelf life.
  • FIELD OF APPLICATION Copper nitrate is used for foliar fertilization in case of copper deficiency in all kinds of crops. WHY SHOULD I USE COPPER NITRATE Copper is involved in enzyme reactions in plant cells. Copper is also found in a blue protein, plastocyanin, in all plants and algae that have photosynthesis.
  • FIELD OF APPLICATION Levasil CS is used for greenhouse cultures that need extra reinforcement of the cell walls with silicon. Supplied by irrigation.
  • AREA OF APPLICATION Magnofoss is used for nutrient solutions for irrigation and for foliar fertilization. Excellent for drip systems. Magnofoss can be mixed with calcium as the phosphates in the product come from phosphoric acid. NOTE! Magnofoss should be added before calcium to avoid precipitation. Important addition of phosphorus by foliar fertilization in open field crops in spring when the soil is cold. WHY SHOULD I USE MAGNOFOSS Magnesium is important for photosynthesis because the chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium. It is also used in enzymes, protein synthesis and cell walls. Phosphorus is an important building block as it is part of cell membranes and DNA. It is also part of the molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is needed for all energy-consuming processes in cells. As phosphorus is often difficult for plants to absorb through their roots, especially at unfavourable pH values and low temperatures, foliar fertilization is a good way to supply phosphorus. There are many varieties of phosphorus fertilizers with ammonium, potassium, magnesium or calcium to choose from. Plant sap analysis is a good tool to determine which substance besides phosphorus is most needed by the plant.




    10 g/l


    175 g/l



    62 g/l

    <0,004 mg/l

    Textruta: ämne Innehåll Kväve 10 g/l Fosfor 175 g/l Magnesium Kadmium 62 g/l &lt;0,004 mg/l
  • Micro+

    FIELD OF APPLICATION Micro+ is used for the supply of micronutrients to irrigation water in greenhouses and outdoors. The micronutrients are chelated to remain stable in nutrient solutions within an acceptable pH range. The product is stable at pH 3.0-7.5. At higher or lower pH values, the micronutrients may precipitate and become unavailable to the plant. Can also be used as foliar fertilizer for open field crops and as a base fertilizer for the soil/peat industry.  
  • AREA OF APPLICATION Micro+ is used for the supply of micronutrients to irrigation water in greenhouses and outdoors. The micronutrients are chelated to remain stable in nutrient solutions within an acceptable pH range. The product is stable at pH 3.0-7.5. At higher or lower pH values, the micronutrients may precipitate and become unavailable to the plant. Can also be used as foliar fertilizer for open field crops and as base fertilizer for the soil/peat industry.


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